In this article, we will discuss cheating spouse revenge and taking action on getting revenge on a cheating spouse. We all know that spouses, both male and female can be cheating whores. In fact, your spouse could be cheating on you this very second. How to tell if your spouse is cheating is a topic for another guide. Here we will discuss what to do with the cheaters when they have the sheer lack of self respect, respect for you, and the utter selfishness of not being able to keep their pants up!
First of all, make sure the suspected cheater has actually been cheating. The last thing you want is a big scene or even a divorce over an affair that never occurred. Some extra leg work now will avoid headache and stress if you get it all wrong.
Once you're certain that your spouse is cheating, it is now time for cheating spouse revenge. You need to stay calm, if you're too angry, you will mess it all up, stay level headed, or you'll end up in a drunken state and you'll just embarrass yourself. We don't want this; you want to embarrass the cheaters for their betrayal and utter selfish behavior.
After you've taken some time to come to terms with what has been going on, you need to cook up a plan of action - Take your revenge on a cheating spouse.
Lets rule out murder for now, although the thought may have crossed your mind, and to be honest, its understandable if its been a long lasting relationship, family members have grew close, and there are children involved, lets not go this far, we don't agree with killing, and I am sure "Jerry Springer" wouldn't agree with this either.
What we will call upon for our cheating spouse revenge is sheer embarrassment. What you need to do is pretty simple and it should work if planned out right. Wait until your spouse is with a group of friends or amongst a group of so called important people to them. You could even do this with family members. Take a photo of 2 nude people, just go to a soft porno site to do this, get the picture developed, and make sure it looks half way decent as a fake photo.
Now, once the cheating spouse is with these people, its time for attack, go over accuse them of cheating, of course, the spouse will deny it, just like the cheating little dogs they are, however, you have proof, yes, now wave this proof around yelling I have proof, I have proof, however, be a little clever here, do not let anyone see the photo head on. Now, the time has come to walk out from where ever the spouse is, leave them shocked, embarrassed, and humiliated. Perfect.
Another way of getting revenge on a cheating spouse, one that we class as extreme, but it is probably one of the most dramatic ways of showing that you really don't care is to simply cheat back, but do it in style. Plan for your spouse to be there when they see you do this, get them to come home early, whatever it takes, make them walk in on you having a threesome, bingo, nothing more to be said on this, its going to be pretty upsetting seeing your partner making it out with multiple partners. When they attack you for this act, remember, it wasn't you who broke the trust and love!